Have you been shocked by the news from all over Europe during the last months, weeks and days? You are not alone! Many persons not directly involved in the events are affected even if they only learned about them in the media. Many of them feel generally tense, pessimistic for the future or do not sleep well.
In order to reduce this discomfort we would like to propose a simple exercise from the FastReset®, the effective technique for well-being and release of distressing emotions. The technique is based on recent advances in neurology and often surprises by its quick and profound effect.
Try the exercise and recover your energies to master the difficult period we are going through!
Dr. Maria Grazia Parisi & Dipl.Ing. Oliver Oppitz Milan and Munich, August 2016
Learn when bad news cause permanent discomfort and in particular what you can do about it. Continue...
If the recent bad news are affecting you, go directly to the exercise for releasing distressing emotions. Continue...
FastReset® is a technique for releasing all kinds of distressing emotions. For information about trainings and possibilities to practice in Germany and Italy go to www.fastreset.de or www.fastreset.it.