An exercise

to reduce emotional discomfort


We now proceed to the exercise itself. This requires only a few minutes. For the effectiveness of the exercise, however, it is decisive, that each step is performed exactly as described. Especially the concentration on the hands is crucial. 


  • Remember the shocking moment, go back into the situation and feel the shock in your body.
  • Say aloud or think the chosen phrase: “This shock ... <insert the chosen phrase>“

  • Immediately afterwards move all your attention onto both hands and concentrate on them. If you want, you can look at the hands, feel them, move them, tense the fingers slightly or make a light fist.

    Do this for 10-15 seconds or until you take a deep breath or have to yawn. Both are signs that the body starts to relax. 

    You should not concentrate simultaneously on both the sensation in your body and the hands, because this prevents the desired effect. In this step the concentration is only focused onto the hands.
  • Return to your memory and feel the shock in your body. Check if it is still there and if you want to, repeat the exercise. At the end, the memory of the shock should be completely changed or at least faded. Typically two or three repetitions are sufficient.
  • If you want to, you can finish the exercise saying or thinking the phrase: “From this shock I let go of everything that I do not need anymore, that does not intereset me anymore and that does not belong to me anymore.” and again, immediately afterwards, move all your attention onto both hands and concentrate on them. 

You should now feel more relaxed and perceive the events in a more neutral way. Congratulations!


If the exercise did not have the desired effect, please continue to the section FAQ.